Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Lost Compositions...

Macro lenses and telephoto lenses make us try as frame filling as possible. When I initially started nature photography using $30 worth point-and-shoot camera I made some nice compositions. Later I got into the frame filling game. It took years for me to get out of it. Seeing nature through mind's eye using 12mm to 600mm lenses using 50mm physical eyes has always been a challenge and will remain so for years to come I guess!

- Ganesh H Shankar (Nature Lyrics)


Unknown said...

Hi Ganesh,

I would whole heartedly agree this point that the perspectives and perceptions are totally varrying seeing different subjects through different lenses. And as you mentioned in your posts on another forum - we often see "novices" using point and shoot getting better results than "professionals" using the "right lens" for the job on sophisticated equipment.

I would treat this as a eyeopener post for lot of beginers like me to see the world differently with what ever equipment we have.


Pramod Viswanath said...

Nice post and thought there Ganesh. But then again, I partly disagree with "novices" "making" better images than SLR-guys "taking" pictures!

When P-a-S cameras does everything for a novice, in case of an SLR, the person needs to take care of lots of things which is a challenege in itself. Once that is mastered, only then the photographer can start thinking of compositions, perspectives and other things. I agree seeing is totally different from the technical aspects of photography, but then again, unless tech aspects are not mastered, elevation to higher levels might not be possible. Don't you think so?

Also, on the same lines, I see a "pattern" similar to your equipment buying pattern article. This would be something like "Thought pattern of an aspiring nature photographer" , some thing on the lines -

1) Point and shoot
2) SLR
3) Exposure and techniques
4) Frame filling
5) Compositions
6) Art!

How about an article from your side?

Let me know your thoughts.

Ganesh H. Shankar said...

Pramod, the novice with a slight inclination at art/photography and who uses point-and-shoot thinks about composition from day 1 - all he/she can do is to think about composition - nothing to push, pull rotate on the camera. While the SLR users typically become serious about composition/art an year after they bought their dream (tele) lens - I am talking about my self. If there are any similarities with others it is only incidental -:)