Saturday, October 6, 2007

Mimicry in Nature

During recent a trip to Western Ghats region we found this spider !! To be precise I did not see it - thought some fallen leaf on the web but my friend Ashwin recognized it ! What a beautiful spider and mimicry in nature !! Incidently only two of this kind of leaf mimicking spiders have been discovered so far in India. (Thanks to Sindhu Ramachandran who shared information related to this spider)

In this blog I talked about camouflage in nature. Mimicry serves similar purpose. Here is another superb mimicry that I was able to record again in Western Ghats region recently - Blue Oak Leaf butterfly !

We need to spot them when they are flying - otherwise they are some fallen dead leaves !!

Here is another example of an image of stick case moth caterpillar (thanks to Sindu Ramachandran again to help me id this)

Designs in nature are not only beautiful but are very functional. Mimicry is another strategy for survival adopted by life forms in nature similar to camouflage.

- Ganesh H Shankar (Nature Lyrics)


Unknown said...

as a leaf dances,
the breeze is confused:
"'cos of me?"

Ganesh H. Shankar said...


-:) !!

Pramod Viswanath said...

Beauty if nature, wonderfully portrayed and explained in words by you. Thanks for sharing!