Thursday, January 31, 2008

Interaction of border with image

Here are some of thoughts on how different shades of grey interacts with the image when used as border or frame.

- Ganesh H Shankar (Nature Lyrics)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Flash Light Photography

As mentioned in my previous blog below I had fun time experimenting with various flashlights for nature photography, macro work in particular. Here is the link to my new article on use of different flash lights for nature photography.

- Ganesh H Shankar (Nature Lyrics)

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Western Ghats - New Images

Back here at concrete jungle (Bangalore) after visiting a few regions of our Western Ghats (our rain forests). Lots of memories are cast in silicon. You may want to see my new set of images here. A few of them have made into my Creative Visions and Favourites Galleries too.

I had thought of exploring photography, macro photography in particular using different flash-lights (with different white balances). Made a few satisfying images using this new technique. You can find some of them in my new images gallery. I hope to write an article on it soon. Stay tuned !

Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous new year 2008 !

- Ganesh H Shankar (Nature Lyrics)